Lyle Douglas

Lyle is standing in the library. He is wearing a blue check shirt with a company logo and he is smiling at the camera.

Current position

Environmental Consultant - Archaeologist

Where did you study?

University of New England

How did you become interested in archaeology?

From primary school, I have always been interested in history and thought of pursuing a career in history or archaeology as leaving High School. Practicality and life kicked in and took me in other directions and I spent a decade in the Air Force as a Dog Handler. As that career came to a close, I had the opportunity to complete some OJT [on-the-job training] fieldwork, which re-sparked my interest in archaeology.

One Grad Certificate, Grad Diploma and Master's Degree later I was able to (recently) secure a job as an Environmental Consultant - Archaeologist. My interests lie in the areas of Zooarchaeology, Forensic Archaeology and Battlefield Archaeology.

What archaeological projects are you working on at the moment?

Research and validating documents in support of development applications. I am also learning how to pilot a drone for site mapping and then use that imagery to produce maps and 3D photogrammetry

Tell us about one of your most interesting archaeological discoveries.

Finding a dinner set (knife, fork and plate) in the same excavation unit at a former historic hotel.

What’s your favourite part of being an archaeologist?

Nerding out and digging into the history of a site or place.

National Archaeology Week