Alison Fenwick

Current position

Archaeologist and Heritage Consultant

Where did you study?

University of Sydney

How did you become interested in archaeology?

Grandfather was an industrial archaeologist, and I was always curious about what he was doing. Add in some travel as a young adult/teenager, an interest in world cultures and a love of antiques = archaeologist.

What archaeological projects are you working on at the moment?

A mixture of historical heritage and Aboriginal cultural heritage assessments in the wider Hunter Valley/Newcastle and Sydney areas. Dabbling in some built heritage assessments when the opportunity arises.

Tell us about one of your most interesting archaeological discoveries.

A highly disturbed artefact scatter in the Newcastle CBD. The job was taking place along the original shoreline of the Hunter River, in an area that had been subject to shoreline reclamation. We didn't know what to expect, but underneath the historical fill was a fabulous deposit of hundreds of scattered flakes, cores and raw material. Although completely out of context, it was a treasure trove.

Tell us about a funny / disastrous / amazing experience that you have had while doing archaeology.

Nearly driving away with a farmer’s dog whilst undertaking a field survey. A small whippet was quite in love with us and decided to hop in the back seat of the ute for a nap. As the car started and we began to move, we saw a little head pop up with a big smile on his face. Keen as a bean for an adventure.

What’s your favourite part of being an archaeologist?

Travelling and seeing parts of the world and Australia that I otherwise wouldn't have the opportunity to see. Also, the satisfaction of knowing I've helped to protect, record, salvage or conserve the history of a place.